Tuesday 14 May 2013

Story Idea - The Musical - Pondering (messy)

The Musical is the worst title in the world, but I have nothing else right now.

Just random notes, this still hasn't been fleshed out, erg.

-male leads (i have way to many ladies making up my portfolio already)

-classic broadway guy hair, curl front

-looooooooong limb legs, "power centre" legs/hips

-hangs out with understudies

-understudies (just one? or more? probably just one) look hardly like him

-understudy = lady version of him, more relaxed but also more rebellious?

-just those two??

-maybe stage hands hang out/come along too

-buff, wear all blacks, quiet presence

musical guy in non musical world


non musical guy in musical world?

not that im writing any of the script or music but i think i'd need to consider song opportunities too - which happen more in the second

or just do both somehow

non musical guy...do not make boring and passive, that's really easy to fall into but it makes him really boring thus making it all really boring

he needs a thing that stops him from singing/dancing

doesnt want to or can't or doesnt know?

how does he react to songs? how does everyone around him act to it?

is it all secretive?!

i have no idea...but i live and breathe musicals, so researching this would never feel like a chore, and the colour palette would be bold and bright

ahhh when would it be set?!

how realistic is this stupid musical town?

60's? 60's feels rebellious...

but i want male leads so musical guy and non musical guy will both be guys...and musicals always have love stories so there's that...gay and broadway go hand in hand anyway

to be honest i just wanna set it in 50's/60's so stand out in my portfolio cause stuff i do is mainly contemporary

so: musical guy, musical guy's lady understudy, non musical guy
possibly set in a v. stylised 60's, hm

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