Tuesday 28 May 2013

Character Notes - Marco Walker

Marco Walker

Role: Love Interest
Family: (tbc) I think a really nuclear family set up, "mom, dad, two kids" thing
Age: 25ish

Sort of part of the "Beat Generation", started reading really racy stuff of the time and hanging out with "those kinds of people" secretly but when he parents found out he hiked it out of there. He always wanted to explore more of the world and he loves doing that but his past still lingers in his head.
Mainly referred to as "Marc/Mark".

Personality: Quiet and Scatterbrained. 
Travelled to a lot of places, picks up facts from everywhere and loves to show off by telling them, this is when he's most confident.
But he does have a small attention span so he skips from topic to topic with little regard for making sense.
Empathises with Oakley being an outsider and not fitting in.
Relates to Lea for wanting to explore and rebel.
Likes Oakley straight away but doesn't try to push for anything more until later on.
Hates musicals.
Hates structure, especially in the small town, so when he pretends to be a stage hand he's quite good, but doesn't follow the time or cues as well as he should.

Looks: Same height or only slightly shorter than Oakley, but a bigger build "power centre" = face/eyes/eyebrows
Slumps a little/bad posture, used to manual labour from picking up odd jobs here and there.
A fair few freckles.
Scruffy hair, somewhat like rough-er version of James Dean, or even just complete head of messy curls.
For some reason I keep thinking of him as a ginger or red-head and I'm not sure why right now...

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