Tuesday 28 May 2013

Character Notes - Oakley Colton

Oakley Colton

Role: Main Character
Family: Son of leading character (mother/father?), Understudy (acts like sibling) Lea
Age: 24ish

Personality: Awkward as hell but very optimistic. 
Bit of a doormat. 
Focused on becoming a leading man. 
Most confident when singing and dancing.

Looks: Tall, long limbs, "power centre" = legs
Stands a bit clumsy-ly when not dancing, just normally talking
Combed Side Part Captain America hair



Everyone is going to America, and it's the 50's but I don't want everyone to be white, not sure what I want Oakley to be yet, i'll experiment, but i know I'd like brown skin, light brown hair, and big brown doe eyes to make him look a bit younger and naive.

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