Sunday 26 May 2013

Inspirations - Stage Design

(I am so awful at story telling. I'm figuring out names at the moment, but everything else is still so under developed, I never like any storyline I come up with...)

Anyway, the Tony Awards people have posted some of this years concept art for the shows nominated and some of them are pretty amazing:

Really nice shading and use of space, gives the piece a really sombre, still tone 

Really interesting, grungy props, I'm pretty sure this is actually a 3D model to obviously it has a great sense of depth

Fantastic upper corner thing going on, with all the billboards and signs, also really digging the use of colour, and the character poses

This is so amazing! I can't stop looking at it, it just really so dynamic and fun and whimsical, it just makes you wanna stand right inside it and just enjoy it 

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