Thursday 25 July 2013

Research - Films // WIZARD OF OZ

My messy, messy notetaking from my film research

Wizard Of Oz

Dir. by Victor Fleming

Kansas = sepia

Toto trouble = ignored 

Dorothy runs away, tells no one, scared of Toto's fate

D leaves with tiny suitcase

Stumbles upon "Wizard", convinces her to go back to family
-fake, pretends to travel all over and can do magic/fortune telling
(interesting possible character, fake/imposter)

D goes back. Stopped by twister.

D knocked out, enters DREAM

travels with cane basket (what does Marco travel with?)

Enters Oz, colour and music begins

Plastic, saturated coloured plants, and bright coloured buildings

Munchkin Land layout
-really good, central "stage" area, circular, bridge, several levels through houses

Obvious fake backdrops (cute for town)

Wicked Witch, exits in red smoke, from wherever she is

Yellow Brick Road, direct path
(Ela, yellow)

Dorothy = determined and super helpful to eeeeveryone, hufflepuff

Scarecrow = clumsy dancing
Tin Man = stiff movement

"Lions and tigers and bears" "oh my" bit = awesome forest set 

Toto keeps stretching out his paw to touch everyone next to him, and it's adorable

Emerald City
-futuristic clothing and sets

"Can I still have my dog??"

D gets kidnapped and trapped and can't do much about that

-uses set design, lights, smoke and mics to create something bigger than he is

"If I go looking for my heart's desire...I won't look any further than my own backyard"
"...if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with"

"There's no place like home"

Sepia again.

Stays sepia.

The End. 

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