Monday 29 July 2013

Interesting Character Questions


  • What they smell like:
  • How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc):
  • What music they enjoy:
  • How much time they spend getting ready every morning:
  • Their favorite thing to collect:
  • Left or right-handed:
  • Religion (if any):
  • Favorite sport:
  • Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc):
  • Favorite kind of weather:
  • A weird/obscure fear they have:
  • The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail:

  1. What is your character’s full name?
  2. When were they born?
  3. What are their parent’s names?
  4. Do they have any brothers or sisters?
  5. What kind of eyes do they have?
  6. What kind of hair do they have?
  7. What is their complexion like?
  8. What body type are they?
  9. What is listening to their voice like? 
  10. Do they have a favourite quote? 
  11. What sort of music do they enjoy? 
  12. Have they ever cheated on a partner? 
  13. Have they ever lost someone close to them? 
  14. What is their favourite sound? 
  15. What is their opinion on euthanasia? 
  16. Are they judgmental of others? 
  17. Have they ever been drunk? 
  18. What are they like when they stay up all night? 
  19. Have they ever been arrested? 
  20. What colour evokes strong memories for them?
  21. What do they do on rainy days?
  22. What religion are they?
  23. What word do they overuse the most?
  24. What do they wear to bed?
  25. Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
  26. What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?
  27. What is their most disliked saying?
  28. Do they have any enemies?
  29. What does their writing look like? 
  30. What disgusts them?

  1. What is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
  2. What is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
  3. What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
  4. Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get them?
  5. Who are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?
  6. Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
  7. Where does your character go when he’s angry?
  8. What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
  9. Does she have a secret?
  10. What makes your character laugh out loud?
  11. When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
  12. What is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?
  13. Look at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?
  14. When your character thinks of her childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for her?
  15. Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for her to throw out? What is difficult for her to part with? Why?
  16. It’s Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
  17. What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
  18. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is she going? What does she wear? Who will she be with?

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