Friday 26 July 2013

Research - Films // PLEASANTVILLE


New Line
Dir. by Gary Ross

advertisement opening, colour, tv in present
Pleasantville, b/w, for now

parraellels between current and “the past”
-no one’s homeless
-great parents etc.

it seems kinda odd that a teenage boy would be into something like “happy days” but I guess I can see the escapism of it all

David (mc) / Bud Parker
-instant loser, outcast

-“rebel”, “slutty” defiant, not sure if I really like her arc, p. insecure revealed in pleasantville

brother/sister, embarrassed and irritated by each other

type of magic: going through tv, “can’t be possible” but whatever it is

problems/discussions, interrupted a lot

Lisa-Ann, Peggy-Jane, Skip etc

“what’s outside of Pleasantville?”…silence…

basketball practice, constant perfection, on script

off script, misses basket, oh no

“all the books are blank”, “nothing burns”

Parking, Lover’s Lane, around lake

constant cricket noises

gradual inclusion of colour
-rose, car, gum, cherries, tongues
-change to rock music

Mary-Sue instigator of change
Bud, trying to hold onto continuity, accidently brings change. warms up to it

Books become unblank, pages filled in
- by remembering story, as it goes
-goes for art too, discovering the outside world through books and pictures

I really like Bud and Betty’s relationship, mutually helping each other, it’s nice

expressing love through food – berries, cookies, apples

thunder/lightning (trouble is afoot) – beginning, remote broken
 and honey, im home

First occurrence of rain
(does it rain in a musical? …well yeah, singing in the rain and others, but what about just in the town?? maybe only in other towns?)

honey. im home.
where’s my dinner…
no dinner.

only married white men are freaking out later on, obviously

after rain, there is a rainbow
(everything’s colourful!)

“all TRUE citizens”

“I don’t want it to go away”

betty (teaching dinner) fitted, slim, dress

“where are you going to go?”

I get the attempt at racism metaphor, it still falls a bit flat when eeeeeveryone’s white though

town smashes coloured window picture (and whole shop), and cheers

book burnings, obvious allusion

valuing “continuity over alteration”

“nothing went wrong, people change”

where the fuck are the “minors”?! I haven’t seen one child this whole movie?!

TV, turns to colour shows the world

“I did the slut thing, it got old” / ew, that’s badly worded and thought out

Jennifer stays in weird town
David returns home

Back to “reality”
back to swearing!
de-saturated colouring

“there is so right house, there is no right life”
back to Pleasantville
“do you know what’s going to happen now?”

“no, I don’t”

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