Saturday 2 November 2013



CODA - Curtains, steps ((dark reds and blues)), big metronome slightly blended into the earth

CAPO - round/square hole, plank leading into laaaaarge room (like a tent/circus/carnival) set up, george nelson influences, mirror mazes, all bright lights,fun, still pretty  ((bright pinks, blues, bit of blacks?)), medium,  looking metronome

FACTORY - huge door, wide open, leads into bare, dusty, old garage, stacked with boxes and props, "Fermata" the Car ((browns, greys)), small wireless radio like metronome

REAL TOWN - shop door, "normal" ((liiiiight cream)), clocks, snow (christmas)

MANSION - falling apart, broken door ((purples, hints of everyone else's colours - blues, yellows, greens, pinks)), medium, grandfather clock type metronome, bit of snow

ORCHESTRA PIT - stand with (wtf is this called?! menu kinda thing) , entrance through big seating stands, pristine, clean, big, open, massive black, minimal metronome

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