Wednesday 13 November 2013

THE ESSAY // Planning

INTRO (250)
Mention/Intro Off The Track, explain what is part of my major work (concept art) talk shit about progress or something

- concept art, that showed character and mood
- disney style
- consistent progress
- start to find my own style / figure out more about ps / pre-planning
- work on colour and texture
- time management

- Alan happened / talk of doing 5 big prints, colour scripting
- A Lot of researching (films, styles) and experimenting
- A Lot of planning story and extra characters
- Hiccups -> internship, and aftrs application

WHAT I WOULD HAVE CHANGED (400 bad, 100 good?) 
- DECISION MAKING, wouldnt blame alan but more myself for not trusting my own choices
- need better time management // starting big prints earlier
- finished colour script early on
- get more confident in my illustration abilities


very happy with end product (omg), good grasp of colour, getting grasp on mood and texture, unique look and story, consistent UPDATING

sum up, what ive learnt and reflect, end with a dumb pun

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