Tuesday 6 August 2013


Not completely finished or finalised but it's a start 

More Detail

Town 0 - Codaville
Oak and Ela's home town.
Red, white and black
Set in forest, mostly outside, surrounded by massive red curtains

Town 1 - Nice Town
Bright pleasant town, outside-ish
Picks up Paige who was working on a scam on the town
Kicked out

Town 2 - Factory
Inside, darker colours, bright lights
Picks up old car
Optimistic owners

Town 3 - ...

Town 4 - Reality "Town"
Muted colours
Back to Marco's town
Oak thinks he should go back
Fallout happens, group splits

Town 5 - Sport Camp
Oak only
Contrasting colours
Picks up the meaning of teamwork
(hockey, soccer, football, baseball, tennis etc.)

Town 6 - ...
Reunite group

Town 7 - The Orchestra Pit
Neutral colourings
No one can talk*
Picks up metronome to take back

*Non "musical people" cannot make noises/speak in musical towns = Marco is mute in musical towns
Everyone is mute in Town 7 due to its focus on the music

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