Friday 9 August 2013

Char. Design // The Musos - Faces

The Musos

Two of Paige's former chorus members who dream of being in a band after being ditched by Paige.
(V. basic sketches)

NAMES   (Guy) Prokhor/Proshka, (Lady) Ankti
BASED ON   Almost every musical ever (chorus members)
(band members) Real life
INFO   Paige's Chorus Members (out of about 15)
Helped Mimi with scams on towns
After being abandoned in "NiceTown" realise they are destined for other things, so they pick up instruments from other towns and become a two-person band 
Until, they bump into Mimi&Co in a later town
Paige tries to redeem herself by helping them
(Need a lefthanded instrument? from orchestra?)
Possibly: Ela joins band, able to step out of Oak's shadow

SPECIAL   Able to play music anywhere, not just musical towns
but can't play over a bigger-sized band

GIRL   Hair pinned up on whichever side she plays on
BOTH   berets

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