Monday 5 August 2013

Char. Design // Paige - Costumes


AGE   Around 25
BASED ON   "Con men", scam artists (for want of a better term), Billy Flynn (Chicago), Harold Hill (The Music Man), also slightly Madeline (Always Fair Weather)
INFO   First recruit
Not a villain, decides to stop scams after join Oak&Co, learns to helps others without ulterior motives
Running away from angry town after they realised she was pulling a scam on them
Almost as tall as Oak (all in the legs)
Probably needs a "show" name

The examples mentioned before, both wear quite a bit of red (similar to Enjolras in Les Mis, but he didnt scam people) and since I wanted to keep red to Oak's town I went with red's best friend, pink.

I like using pink here cause her design makes me think of carnivals and sugar/fairy floss, and by ott with it, it gives that kind of  "salesperson"/advertisement feel to it too, which relates to Madeline's hostess character.

The split in Madeline's dress also go towards the amount of leg showing in the design.

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