Tuesday 27 August 2013

COLOUR SCRIPT // Experiment - Rope - Comics Style

This is a bit odd but I thought I'd try it out. 
It's a bit like a comic book but it's just one thing happening
(Marco pulling some crazy pulley system to help Ela to see the "outside world")

Sunday 25 August 2013

CHAR. DESIGN // Ankti - Face

A lot of whites of the eyes, small pupils
Bags under eyes
Hair = messy, uncut, thrown to the side

RESEARCH - Films // Related Movie-Watching Lately


Beauty and The Beast  
 (good sidekicks / wants adventure, stays in a castle? / outcast in town / blue)

Little Mermaid   
(wants to be something else / eric relates to adventurous personality / bridges gap between humans and mermaids)

Princess and the Frog 
(goes adventuring, one wants, one doesnt / american / fucking shut up ray / works hard for dreams)

Lilo & Stitch 
(american / chosen families / stays in house / aliens move to earth)

(american / travelling, exploring america / con lady / fucking shut up hamster)


(really nice colour scripting / remy looks like marco and oak combined wtf/ puppet stuff) 


(one is higher class, one is unseen / goes adventuring / con man / fucking shut up bat thing / couple elopes, can go back to paris, where do they go to elope?)

Road to El Dorado 
(con men / adventuring / ends with more adventuring! / no plans, no map)

James and The Giant Peach
(kind of boring actually / abusive "parents" / escapes / ragtag group / america / settles in new york/ everything starts as a dream/ chosen families)


(america / abusive parents / leaving / chosen families)

Pitch Perfect 
(america / acapella / rag tag group)

Anna Karenina
(beautiful amazing sets / moving props / stage hands / perfect for codaville)

There's No Business Like Show Business
(amazing sets / behind the scenes sets)

Wednesday 14 August 2013


THINGS AND STORY IDEAS // Quotes and Town 6

Found the perfect quote for Oakley and his story I think

"If you don’t like where you are, move on. You are not a tree"
- Jim Rohn



Town 6 
Haunted Acapella Mansion

like: Rocky Horror (house set up, broken down car) Haunted Mansion (ride at Disneyworld)
why acapella? : it should be good to use just before the orchestra town (7) - usingonlyvoices/usingnotvoices = nice contrast
town set up: for forgotten chorus members with no leading characters to react to, they creepily occupy an abandoned mansion waiting for some one to sing with them
why is this town important? : Paige's past chorus members now reside here as well, including the two musos who just want to play their instruments god damn it, but it's not allowed with the acapella, so they leave with the group.
Also, this is after the group has reunited so visiting a house gives out little "family" vibes which is nice.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

QUICK SKETCH // Oak Being Sung At By Athletes

If I can get my main characters done comfortably in just lines/pen/pencil whatever, I should be able to do a "pencil test"/animate them without too much trouble

Monday 12 August 2013

PRACTICE // Pretty Trees

An attempt at a lovely whimsical "Campion" type of tree

Did it really quickly so it's a pretty bald empty tree but I think I could speed up style up if I did a template of individual leaves and just copied from there, a lot of layers but a lot time would be saved.

 w/ texture (cardboard)

RESEARCH - DESIGN // Pascal Campion

The maker of vibrant moods and perfect trees.

I love this look...i really really want this look

Sunday 11 August 2013


 Colour scripting is fucking hard

This is just a non-textured/collage attempt, but yeah, it doesn't feel right.

But for now,

First Meeting

Oak peering out of the curtains to find Marco staring bewilderedly at the town's entrance

I'm not sure about the light beams
(manufactured spotlight for Oak, natural sun light beams for Marco)
I like how they look passing over the trees, but it'd a bit odd when they meet up in the middle

Friday 9 August 2013

Char. Design // The Musos - Faces

The Musos

Two of Paige's former chorus members who dream of being in a band after being ditched by Paige.
(V. basic sketches)

NAMES   (Guy) Prokhor/Proshka, (Lady) Ankti
BASED ON   Almost every musical ever (chorus members)
(band members) Real life
INFO   Paige's Chorus Members (out of about 15)
Helped Mimi with scams on towns
After being abandoned in "NiceTown" realise they are destined for other things, so they pick up instruments from other towns and become a two-person band 
Until, they bump into Mimi&Co in a later town
Paige tries to redeem herself by helping them
(Need a lefthanded instrument? from orchestra?)
Possibly: Ela joins band, able to step out of Oak's shadow

SPECIAL   Able to play music anywhere, not just musical towns
but can't play over a bigger-sized band

GIRL   Hair pinned up on whichever side she plays on
BOTH   berets