Monday 17 June 2013

Char. Design - All - Costume (Basic) (Town Outfit)

 I wanted to do some costume stuff but I didn't want to fuss around with anatomy right now, so for now I'm doing a more "vector" based look for costume design.

I always pictured red being part of the people who live in the small town, to go with the big red curtain at the entrance, so I think I'd like that to be part of Oakley's costume. It feels odd, thinking colour theory wise and what colours mean, and for Oakley red is kinda opposite to his doormat personality (which is why I tried out blue as well), but I guess that would emphasis how he doesn't fit in with his town.

Also I think they'll change costume when they start travelling more to something more casual, and I think the clothes he picks them would be colours that reflect him better.

(Town Outfit, if I don't use just red, I think this would be a nice template for the extras and other town male characters to wear)

 (Town Outfit 2, in blue, for Oakley only)

(3, a combo, bit of a Dorothy Wizard of Oz vibe going on here)

(Variations on 1)

Lea (...I'm thinking of changing her name to Ela)

As the "Understudy" she's just going to be a variation of whatever Oakley wears in the town, and outside the town opposite to what Oakley wears. So hers is going to be the last costume to do, but for now a possible outfit to go with Oakley's red, black and white with overalls look

Arrrrrrgh, this one's annoying, but I think it needs to look more down to earth then the other two, and show that he likes to travel and that he's rebellious.
However, the rebellious "Beat Generation" of the time was namely wearing a lot of black, which makes him look like he already a member of the town. (And when he's a temporary Stage-hand he's going to be in all black...I think he's going to have 3 outfits to do)

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